How to start your business in tobacco right now



Made easy



Key ready

Plug and play

Your own design

You want to start a business in tobacco. You may have even set your mind on the machine you want to buy. The question is, how do you begin a business in tobacco if you’re not already an insider?

This is where we can help. We’ve been doing it for a while – supporting tobacco businesses on three continents.

We turn around existing machinery up to as good as new, and deliver it to your door with our permanent quality commitment, maintenance, and the know how to operate and grow your own business.

And you will be able to do it on your own!

This website is a great place to start charting your new path and get specific.

Where do I want to be with my tobacco business? What’s the first step? What kind of machines, space layout and money will I need?

Start here!  Then call us for your customised plan!

Primary lines

Transform tobacco leaves into
cigarette filling, going through
thrashing, conditioning, cutting,
drying, flavouring, bulking.

Cigarette making machines

Wrap the filling into cigarettes
and add the filter, if so chosen.

Cigarette packaging machines

Wrappers, packers, tax stampers,
wrappers, boxers, over-wrappers, parcelers.


Have the equipment 

Plug it in 

Put it all together and make it sing – that is Logistics!


You are now a tobacco producer.
Your brand needs to be known.
And you need to sell!

Your own mix

Choose and start the business
that is right for you!

Building a tobacco business


Personal story. How I went into tobacco

It happened. As simple as that: life lead me to facilitate a tobacco machinery sale. What really matters is why I stayed. It made me tick. Let me explain. I have a degree in pharmaceutical engineering. And a consuming passion for physical chemistry….


Book a startup meeting

...and get your tobacco business going!

Supporting your tobacco business!